राजकीय महाविद्यालय नैनबाग टिहरी गढ़वाल, 249186
श्रीदेव सुमन उत्तराखंड विश्वविद्यालय ( टिहरी गढ़वाल) से सम्बद्ध
To provide holistic and quality education for global competence and local need on the basis of equality and inclusiveness to produce skilled and responsible citizen.
To provide opportunity of holistic and quality education to all eligible students on the basis of equity and particularly to deprived section.
To prepare optimal learning environment and support for students with best utilization of internal and local resources.
To strengthen physical and academic infrastructure and human resources of the college by incorporating modern means of teaching and learning aids like ICT and other digital gears with latest pedagogy.
To initiate programmes for strengthening research and innovations and encourage faculty and students to engage in stretching the frontier of knowledge.
To prepare the students to lead quality life, strong ability to work and to touch the life of nearby community, consistent with their ability to contribute for sustainable development.
To develop self-confident and creative individuals with intellectual curiosity, spirit of service, skill of life-long learning and to learn the treasure within.
Core Values
Participation of all the stakeholders of higher education in college progression.
Incorporation of ICT in all aspects of college development.
Focus on outcome based learning with emphasis on skill development.
To foster the culture of community service with extension activities addressing the local issues towards the sustainable development goals.
Inculcate progressive thinking among students, while preserving local cultural heritage and Indian value system.
Holistic development of students through several co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.